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The Minister of Labour,

Having reviewed the Law on Constructional Organisation of Buildings promulgated by Legislative Decree No.(13) of 1977, as amended, And Legislative Decree No.(5) of 1990 with respect to Civil Defence, And Legislative Decree No.(21) of 1996 Governing the Environment, as amended,And Law No.(25) of 2009 with respect to approving the Accession of the Kingdom of Bahrain to the International Labour Organisation Convention No.(155) of 1981 with respect Occupational Safety and Health, and Work Environment, And the Labour Law for the Private Sector promulgated by Legislative Decree No.(36) of 2012, particularly Article (166) thereof, And Decree No.(2) of 1994 with respect to approving the Accession of the State of Bahrain to the Arab Convention No.(7) of 1977 and the Arab Recommendation No.(1) of 1977 with respect to Occupational Safety and Health, And Decree No.(7) of 1977 with respect to approving the Accession to the Arab Convention No.(13) of 1981 with respect to Work Environment, And Order of the Minister of Labour No.(12) of 2005 with respect to the Protection of Workers during Work from the Hazards of Fire in Establishments, And having sought the opinion of the concerned authorities, And upon the submission of the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Labour, Hereby Orders the Following:

Article 1

In the application of the provisions of this Order, the following terms and expressions shall have the meanings assigned against each unless the context otherwise requires:

1. Ministry: The ministry concerned with labour affairs in the private sector.
2. Maintained: means kept in a good working condition and intended for use whenever required.
3. Qualified Person: means any person who is suitably trained and has sufficient experience in his work.
4. Competent Authority: means the authority concerned with civil defence affairs.
5. Work Site: means the place prepared by an employer for the worker to perform his duties therein. Work sites shall also include the following:
- Any place in the establishment where workers can be present.
- Any room, corridor, hall, chamber, staircase, road or any other place inside the establishment used by the workers to enter or exit the work site.

6. Fire-fighting methods including:
- Manual Fire-fighting Equipment: They include manual equipment used for fire-fighting in its early stages by ordinary persons present at the building.
- Fixed Fire-fighting Equipment and Facilities: A fixed network of extensions that includes what is used for fire-fighting in its early stages by ordinary persons who are present at the work site including what is used by trainees who receive training upon its use.
- Fixed Automatic Fire-fighting Equipment and Facilities: A fixed network of extensions with outlets distributed in the areas required to be protected and fed by continuous sources of appropriate fire-fighting materials and is automatically operated.

7. Fire Alarm Systems:
a) Manual Alarm System: Manually operated equipment by switches (call points) distributed in certain areas and operated by electrical power.
b) Automatic Alarm System: Equipment operated by electrical power to detect the fire hazard.


Article 2

The provisions of this Order shall be applicable to all establishments and work sites subject to the provisions of the Labour Law for the Private Sector promulgated by Law No.(36) of 2012.


Article 3

All establishments, which are built after the effective date of this Order, as well as all extensions and alterations to existing establishments, shall be designed according to the following:
1. Security and safety requirements set forth in the Law of Constructional Organisation of Buildings promulgated by Legislative Decree No.(13) of 1977, as amended.
2. The approved Bahraini Standard Specification with respect to Industrial Safety and Health Conditions.
3. Regulation concerning the requirements for prevention and protection in establishments.
4. They shall comprise the facilities ensuring the prevention of building‟s collapse, eruption or spread of fire or smoke from one part of the building to other parts. It shall be prohibited to commence any new construction works or to make any extensions or modifications to an existing establishment except upon reviewing the designs and approving them by a competent authority.
An employer shall notify the Ministry of whatever adopted in accordance with the provisions of this Article.

Article 4

An employer shall take the necessary precautions for protection of his workers or those who are present at his work site from the hazards of fire. He shall provide them 
with protection services against its hazards as well as the means of rescue and fire- fighting in the manner outlined in this Order. It shall be prohibited for an employer to encumber workers or to deduct from their wages any amount in consideration of providing such protection.

Article 5

An employer shall conduct an evaluation of the hazards of fire at the work sites in the establishment and shall take all the necessary measures and precautions to reduce the hazards of fire to the minimum level.

Article 6

A worker shall be prohibited from doing any act or omission with the intent of preventing instructions, abusing or causing damage to the facilities maintained for the protection of the health and safety of workers in the establishment. A worker shall use the means of protection and shall look after the facilities kept in his custody with due care and shall implement the instructions laid down for protection of his health from the hazards of fire and shall not do any act that is likely to cause fire.


Article 7

Adequate and suitable fire-fighting facilities shall be provided and maintained at all work sites by the employer, provided that they shall comply with the following:
1. They shall be fit for use on a continuous basis.
2. Their numbers and type shall be suitable to the size and nature of the establishment‟s operations and in accordance with the approved standard specifications with respect to occupational safety and health conditions.
3. Fire-fighting facilities shall be kept at conspicuous places that are easily accessible.

Article 8


An employer shall entrust a qualified person to undertake the inspection of fire- fighting facilities at least once in every year, provided that the date of inspection, date of subsequent maintenance and name of the person who has carried out the inspection shall be marked thereon.
The abovementioned periodical inspection shall be conducted upon fire-fighting equipment and facilities by an organization recognized by the competent authority.

Article 9

An employer shall provide all the facilities with sufficient and suitable alarm systems in the case of fire that shall be heard simultaneously in all parts of the establishment. The fitness of such devices for operation shall be examined by a qualified person at least once every three months and the inspection results shall be entered in a special register to be maintained in the establishment.
The abovementioned periodical inspection shall be conducted upon fire alarms by an organization recognized by the competent authority.

Article 10

An employer shall train a sufficient number of workers on the use of fire-fighting facilities to ensure taking the appropriate action in case of fire, provided that the training shall be undertaken by an organization approved by the competent authority.

Article 11

All establishments and work sites shall have sufficient and suitable means of escape in case of fire subject to the following conditions:
1. Emergency exits shall be as follows:
a) Their number, capacity and dimensions shall be proportionate to the number of workers and nature of operations, provided that the workers with special needs shall be taken into account.
b) They shall lead to safe areas and as quickly as possible.

c) They shall open outwards when individuals rush or when they exit.
d) They shall not be locked and can be easily opened from the inside whenever required.
e) The doors shall not be opened by a sliding or a revolving method.
f) They shall be lit and easily identifiable by clearly displaying on them the words “Emergency Exit” and shall be placed at an appropriate height while providing emergency lighting for the exits in case of a power cut.

2. All the passages leading to the fire exits shall be fire resistant, shall be clear ofobstructions and shall include emergency lighting so that the exit route can be adequately lit.
3. A signboard shall be displayed in a prominent place showing the instructions that must be followed in case of a fire in the establishment. The signboard shall be in Arabic and English or any other language understood by the worker whenever required.
4. There shall be safe assembly points for the workers in case of fire to be designated “Fire Assembly Point”, and all the workers shall be made aware of their location.

Article 12

An employer shall observe the following conditions at the establishments and work sites for the prevention of fire:
1. The establishment„s buildings should be made of materials that are fire resistant in accordance with the establishment‟s nature of business.
2. To separate the sites that contain inflammable and other materials from other sites with a safe distance that ensure that fire shall not spread once it ignited.
3. To insulate hot surfaces like boilers and pipes connected thereto to prevent the spread of the radiation heat.
4. To coat hot gas pipes and exhaust pipes of internal combustion engines with insulating materials to prevent the spread of heat.
5. To use secure containers and tanks to store and handle flammable liquids and gases in small quantities in special stores and in accordance with the quantities determined by the concerned authority.
6. To place all equipment and operations that produce high temperatures or fire at a safe distance from the inflammable materials.
7. To take precautionary measures to prevent any malfunction in electrical supplies and connectors so that they shall be in accordance with the technical standards together with constant inspection and maintenance while avoiding the hazards of overloading electrical appliances.

8. To observe the hygiene practices and proper storage arrangements together with the disposal of hazardous waste and materials especially inflammable materials in all work sites.
9. To divide the stores of materials, products or waste particularly the inflammable ones into sections by fire resisting partitions or non inflammable doors.
10. To prevent smoking inside the work places particularly the ones that contain inflammable materials together with instructions to be posted in such places.
11. To educate the workers about the hazards of fire, ways of preventing and combating together with the faults that lead to its occurrence and ways to prevent them.

Article 13

An employer shall observe the following conditions in any under construction site for the protection from fire:
1. To store inflammable materials away from any flame or source of oxidising materials.
2. To adopt safety precautions in operations that generate high temperatures, any other type of flames, sparks, dust, vibrations from welding, grinding, cutting and the issue of a hot work permit.
3. To adopt safety precautions upon using electric generators and mobile pumps so as to be placed away from the inflammable materials and workers.
4. To prevent smoking inside the work sites that contain inflammable materials provided instructions for this purpose shall be posted in such areas.
5. To take precautionary measures to prevent any malfunction in electrical supplies and connectors so that they shall be in accordance with the technical standards together with constant inspection and maintenance while avoiding the hazards of overloading electrical appliances.
6. To dispose of inflammable industrial waste and avoid the accumulation of such materials together with the periodical cleaning of such work sites.
7. To store compressed gas cylinders in special stores away from heat sources together with adopting safety precautions while transporting or using them.
8. To adopt safety precautions upon using mobile pumps so as to be placed away from the places where the workers are present.
9. The site controller‟s room (security guard) shall be designed as not to be part of the work site together with adopting all the workers accommodation conditions.

10. To maintain firefighting equipment and train workers to use them while observing their difference and number according to the nature of the existing work.

Article 14

An evacuation plan shall be prepared by the employer in case of emergency and workers shall be trained on the manner of reporting fire when it is discovered and also the manner of using the alarm systems in the establishment. An evacuation drill shall be conducted at least once in every year. Other measures shall be taken ensuring that all the establishment‟s workers have become well aware of the means of escape, methods of using them and the steps to be followed in case of fire including training on the use of fire-fighting equipment.

Article 15

It shall be strictly prohibited for any employer to use any work site except upon obtaining a “fire safety certificate” from the competent authority. The provisions of this Article shall not be applicable to buildings under construction or on engineering works.

Article 16

All existing establishments and work sites at the time of putting this Order into effect shall modify their conditions in compliance with its provisions within three months from the effective date thereof.

Article 17

Any person who violates the provisions of this Order shall be liable for the penalties provided for in Article (192) of the Labour Law for the Private Sector promulgated by Law No.(36) of 2012.

Article 18

Ministerial Order No.(12) of 2005 with respect to the Protection of Workers during Work from the Hazards of Fire in Establishments shall be revoked and any provision that contravenes the provisions of this Order shall be revoked.

Article 19

The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Labour shall implement this Order which shall come into effect from the day following the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.




Signed: Jameel bin Mohamed Ali Humaidan,
Minister of Labour
Issued on: 18

th Jumada Al Akher, 1434 Hijra

Corresponding to: 28

th April 2013 A.D.


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The Minister of Labour,

Having reviewed Law No.(25) of 2009 with respect to the Accession of the Kingdom of Bahrain to the International Labour Organisation’s Convention No.(155) of 1981 with respect to Occupational Safety and Health, and Work Environment, And the Labour Law for the Private Sector promulgated by Legislative Decree No.(36) of 2012, particularly Article (166) thereof, And Order of the Minister of Labour No.(13) of 1977 with respect to Precautionary Measures necessary for the Protection of Workers from the Hazards of Grinding Wheel Operations, And Order of the Minister of Labour No.(15) of 1977 with respect to Organisation of Services and Precautionary Measures necessary for the Protection of Workers during work from the Hazards of Dangerous Machines, And Order of the Minister of Labour No.(26) of 1977 with respect to the Organisation of Services and Precautionary Measures necessary for the Protection of the Eyes of Workers from the Hazards of Work and Machines, And Order of the Minister of Labour No.(27) of 1977 with respect to Organisation of Services and Precautionary Measures necessary for the Protection of Workers from the hazards of Woodworking Machinery, And having sought the opinion of the Concerned Authorities, And upon the submission of the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Labour,



Article 1

In the application of the provisions of this Order, the terms and expressions shall have the meanings assigned against each unless the context otherwise requires: WORK PLACE: A place prepared by an employer in which is carried on any work by a worker and shall be within the following work places:
- Any part of an establishment where workers are present therein.
- Any room, lane, hall, chamber, staircase, road or any other place within the establishment and used by workers to enter and exit the work place. 

TRANSMISSION MACHINE: every shaft, wheel drum, pulley, system of pulleys, coupling, clutch, driving belt or other devices by which the motion of prime mover is transmitted to any machine or appliance.

ABRASIVE WHEEL: a wheel, cylinder, disc, point or cone made of metal, wood, cloth, felt, rubber, or paper and having any surface consisting wholly or partly of abrasive material to be power driven and which is for use in any grinding or cutting operation.

CIRCULAR SAWING MACHINE: a power operated sawing machine mounted on a bench and comprising a sprocket disc runs at high speed on an axis used to cut various items.



Article 2

A worker shall not operate work equipment that are not supplied with proper precautionary means and shall not disable and stop whatever protection available to him. He shall report any defect or technical fault in the equipment or machines that may subject him to danger and shall follow the warning directions and given instructions to preserve his safety and protection against work hazards.

Article 3

1. Every person who design, manufacture or import any equipment to be used at work must observe the following:
a) It shall practically and reasonably guaranty that it is designed and assembled in a manner ensures safety and without any hazards upon proper usage and in conformity with the Unified Gulf Cooperation Council States Specifications.
b) Adequate information concerning the method for using the equipment in the manner intended and experimented therefor together with adopting the necessary precautions and provides instruction to secure safety and avoid and hazard upon using.
c) To conduct the required experiments and examinations to ensure proper equipment performance for the intended purpose.

2. Provide the machines, equipment and appliances required by the work provided they shall be appropriate and suitable for the purpose intended and work environment designed therefor.


Article 4

The following shall be required from all hand tools, machines and appliances powered by electricity, compressed air or any other power means:
1. It shall be equipped with suitable preventative barriers (if required).
2. Prevention from electrocution hazards shall be available and observe disconnecting from the power source by suitable means.
3. To be examined before and after work to ensure its safety.

4. Using directions signs shall be indicated therein and include (operating switches, speed shifters and others).
5. Warning signs and preventative measures must be illustrated.
6. Suitable lighting means must be included therein.


Article 5

The following must be observed at the work environment:
1. To leave adequate distance around the working equipment that allows clear separation between a worker, passer-by, equipment and the place allocated to store the materials n carry out the work in progress.
2. To avoid placing any work gear with mobile or revolving carriage in a place where any worker is subject to be crammed between such carriage and any stationary part of a building, unless reaching the cramming area is restricted by a secured fence.

Article 6

Work gear must be equipped with control switches at a prominent place and easy to reach for the purpose of switching on, off and control operation unless such switches are not required. In emergency cases, switching off keys must be disabled by all other control switches.

Article 7

1. Whenever possible, an employer shall always surround generators, transmission gears and machines dangerous parts, whether stationary, mobile or movable with suitable mobile parts preventative barriers and to observe upon designing or fixing that it secures complete protection and supplied with safety means appropriate for the work.
2. An employer shall not permit the removal or installation of any protective barriers unless such machine is inoperative provided the barrier, upon removal, shall be replaced in its location prior to restarting.
3. Stationary shields and barriers that automatically stop the work gear upon removal, adjustable shields or shields operated by light sensitivity, laser or using machines that are operated by push buttons should be observed according to their work need and nature.

Article 8

An employer must adopt the suitable preventative measures in terms of carrying on the preventative and periodical maintenance on the parts and shields used as shields for dangerous machines for control and safety measures.


Article 9

The following conditions must be observed upon using circular sawing machines:
1. To provide effective methods to extract chips, fragments and small substances resulting from the sawing process.
2. To provide a suitable and proper mean to push the piece intended to level or shape its surface.
3. Sawing gear and machines should not be used for purposes other than what they were intended therefor.

Article 10

1. The saw blade located underneath the base must be concealed completely.
2. The visible part of the saw blade which is above the machine table shall be guarded with a strong shield and easily adjustable upwards and shall be kept so adjusted that it extends from the top of the blade to a point above the surface of the material being cut. It shall have a flange of adequate depth on each side of the saw blade and the said guard shall be kept so adjusted that the said flanges extend beyond the roots of the teeth of the saw blade.
3. A suitable push-stick shall be provided and kept available for use at every circular sawing machine which is fed by hand. Except where the distance between a circular saw blade and its fence is so great or the method of feeding material to the saw is such that the use of a push-stick can safely be dispensed with, the push-stick so provided shall be used:
a) To exert feeding pressure on the material between the saw and its fence in all cutting cases.
b) To exert feeding pressure on the material between the saw and its fence during the last 300 millimetres of any cut of more than 300 millimetres in length.
c) To remove from between the saw blade and the fence pieces of material which have been cut.


Article 11

The following conditions shall be observed upon using abrasive gear:
1. To provide whenever practically possible a secure guard maintained at a suitable place for any abrasive wheel while in motion.
2. To place directions and warning signs from hazards resulting from the use of abrasive wheels together and the precautionary measures at the place where the abrasion or cutting work is made by abrasive wheels. They shall also be placed in a prominent place easy to be seen by people working in abrasion or cutting.
3. To select a good quality abrasive wheel suitable for carrying on the any work being done.



Article 12

The employer shall carry out the periodical maintenance on the working appliances and gear and ensure that the maintenance is performed in a safe manner. Organising, lubricating or greasing working devices while in operation shall be banned unless they are equipped with suitable means to prevent the occurrence of such hazards.

Article 13

Proper precautionary measures must be adopted to protect workers from the hazards of sparks, chips or sharp objects by adopting proper and suitable safety measures. An employer shall be prohibited from using machines where their dangerous parts are not supplied with suitable protection methods.

Article 14

Proper precautionary measures must be adopted to protect workers from the hazards of dust and steam affecting their heath and safety being generated from manufacturing, abrasion, material cleaning, emitting, spraying or treatment operations by providing ventilation, masks and other precautionary and protection means.
Stationary internal combustion engines shall be banned from being used in closed areas except after necessary measures are adopted to transmit combustion gases and steam generated from the engine to the open space or by adopting other steps that secure the prevention from the hazards of such gases on workers health while observing the environmental conditions.

Article 15

Handling of raw materials, work appliances and tools together with production materials must be handled in a safe and secure method which does not result in any harm to workers. A worker may not be asked to lift, transfer or move a heavy load suspected to cause any injury to his body.

Article 16

The following shall be observed at work places upon using mechanical vehicles, forklifts, trucks, tractors, bulldozers or any other mechanical vehicle:
1. It shall be in the custody of a qualified person, licensed to drive it and holding a valid Bahraini licence.
2. It shall be in a good condition, suitable, adequate and periodically maintained.
3. It shall be moderately used, loaded in a correct manner and used for the purpose designed therefor.
4. It shall be equipped with suitable seats for the number of passengers if intended to transport people.

5. To provide a solid and proper spare support to prevent vehicles from falling down in the event of a break down of the lifting gear.

Article 17

The following conditions shall be observed upon carrying on maintenance work on mechanical vehicles:
1. To disconnect, whenever practically possible, the electric power and adopt necessary measures to prevent any fire from breaking out when connecting the electric power.
2. Welding work shall be assigned to qualified person with knowledge of firefighting and first-aid for injuries resulting from welding works.
3. Welding works shall be made on platforms designed for such purpose and made from inflammable materials of high level fire resistance.
4. Flash welding equipment must be supplied with a cover to control volatile flame and secure natural and industrial ventilation.
5. To maintain suitable natural and industrial ventilation to avoid inflammation concentration at welding work place particularly closed places.
6. To provide the welding places sites with suitable and adequate firefighting equipment.
7. Connections and equipment must be in good condition, suitable to perform the work, the pressure control valves and the pressure measurement devices must be in good condition while welding with gas provided examinations and testing must be done before and after using.
8. To provide workers with adequate personal protection equipment upon carrying out the welding works and compels the workers to use them.

Article 19

The provisions of this Order shall be applicable to all work places and sites subject to the provisions of the Labour Law for the Private Sector promulgated by Law No.(36) of 2012.

Article 20

All work places and sites established at the enforcement time of this Order must adjust their statuses in confirmation with its provisions within three months from the date of its enforcement.

Article 21

Every person who violates the provisions of this Order shall be liable for the punishment provided for in Article (192) of the Labour Law for the Private Sector promulgated by Law No.(36) of 2012.


Article 22

The following Order of the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs shall be revoked:
1. Order No.(13) of 1977 with respect to the Organisation of Precautionary Measures necessary for the Protection of Workers from the Hazards of Grinding Wheel Operations.
2. Order No.(15) of 1977 with respect to the Organisation of Services and Precautionary Measures necessary for the Protection of the Eyes of Workers from the Hazards of Work and Machines.
3. Order No.(26) of 1977 with respect to the Organisation of Services and Precautionary Measures necessary for the Protection of Workers during work from the Hazards of Dangerous Machinery.
4. Order No.(27) of 1977 with respect to the Organisation of services and Precautionary Measures necessary for the Protection of Workers from the Hazards of Woodworking Machinery.

Article 23

The Ministry’s Undersecretary shall implement this Order which shall come into effect three months after the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.




Signed: Jameel bin Mohamed Ali Humaidan.
Minister of Labour.
Issued on: 5

th Thulhijja, 1435 Hijra,

Corresponding to: 29

th September, 2014 A.D.


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The Minister for Health; in pursuanceof Article 94 of the Labour Law for the Private Sector,
1976 promulgated by Amiri Decree Law No. 23/1976 and in agreement with the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs;





Article 1

Each employer shall provide at the place of work a First Aid Box with quantities of medicine in the manner set out in the Schedule to this Order and in accordance with Article 4 hereof.

First Aid Boxes shall be as many as the number of places of work of the same employer.



Article 2

The prescribed contents and the quantities of the First Aid Box may be increased in certain cases and in accordance with the requirements of certain industries, by a Ministerial Order make by
the Minister for Health in agreement with the Minister for Labour and Social Affairs.



Article 3

First Aid Boxes shall be located in places removed from employment hazards and shall be easily accessible.The medicines shall be properly maintained in the boxes at as suitable a temperature as possible and in a manner facilitating their use andshall be as adjacent as possible to a source of water in the establishment.



Article 4

The contents of a First Aid Box shall accord with the following: in the manner provided for by items 3, 4, 5, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 of the Schedule to this Order with respect to establishments or their branches in each of which 10 or less workers are employed; In the manner provided for by items 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,13, 15, 21, 22A, 23, 25, of the Schedule to this Order with respect to establishments or branches thereof in each of which more than 10 and up to 50 workers are employed; in the manner provided for by all the items contained in the schedule to this Order with respect to establishments or branches thereof in each of which more than 50 workers are employed.


Article 5

The person responsible for the supervision of First Aid Treatment shall be qualified in the application of medicines, materials and equipment prescribed in the Schedule to this Order. Such person shall, at least, have successfully completed a course of training in Firs Aid, recognised as such by the Ministry of Health.



Article 6

This Order shall be come into operation from the date of its issue and it shall be published in the Official Gazette. Minister for Health, Ali Muhammed Fakhro.





No. Items Quantity
1. Bandages 2, 3, 4, 6, inches width 2 of each size
2. Crepe bandages 2, 3, 4 inches width 2 of each size
3. Sticking plaster 1 roll
4. Sterilized cotton balls 1 packet
5. Sterilized bandages 3 inches width 1 packet
6. Sterilized bandages 6 inches width 2 packets
7. Sterilized eye pads 1 packet
8. Sterilized disposable bandages, different sizes

1 packer of each size
9. Triangular slings 4
10. Anti-bleeding compressor 1

11. Scissors and forceps 1 of each
12. Safety pins 1 doz.
13. Paper, pen, torch ...
14. Ordinary bandage 2, 3, 4, 6, inches width 
2 of each size

15. Pads ...
16. Acriflavin 100 cc
17. Savion 250 cc
18. Salt tablets 500
19. Panadol tablets 100
20. Aspirin tablets 100
21. Ointment for burns ...
22. Splints
o Metal and wooden splints for limbs long and small o Suspend splints of use under the knee and elbow

23. Airway and tongue depressor
24. Portable aspirator, foot operated
25. Oxygen - portable oxygen respiration kit
26. Stretcher


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ORDER NO 25/1977





The Ministry for Labour and Social Affairs; in pursuance of the first paragraph of article 92 of the Labour Law for the Private Sector, promulgated by Amiri Decree Law No. 23/1976 and Order
No. 29/1976 made by the Minister for Labour and Social Affairs with respect to the organisation of industrial Safety Bodies in establishments and determining and organising the services and precautionary measures vital to protecting workers during work form the hazards of work and



Article 1

The provisions of this Order shall apply to all premises to which the above mentioned Labour Law the Private Sector 1976 applies, except those establishments subject to the provisions of Order No. 12/1997 made by the Minister for Labour and Social Affairs with respect to the determination and organisation of precautionary measures vitals to the protection of workers engaged in construction, civil engineering and shipbuilding.


Article 2

The following expression shall have the meaning assigned hereby to it newline 'maintained in a safe condition' means kept safe at all times and includes proper construction and maintenance of the structure, floor, etc,. and prohibits any temporary lack of safety.


Article 3

Each employer or the person acting in his place shall acquaint the worker before being employed of the hazards of work and means of protection against such hazards. He shall also take the necessary precautions for protecting the workers from the hazards of work and machinery and shall provide them with he necessary services for such protection. The employer may not charge the workers or deduct any amounts from their wages in consideration of providing such facilities.


Article 4

The worker shall not embark upon any action or cause any failure which aims at hampering the execution of instructions or the misuse, or causing damage to the means provided for the protection and safety of the workers employed with him. He shall abide by the instructions laid down for his safety and safety and protection from the hazards of work.


Article 5

• All floors, steps, stairs, passages and gangways shall be of sound construction and shall, so far as is reasonably practicable, be kept free from any obstruction and from any substance likely to cause
persons to slip and shall be properly maintained in a safe condition.
• For every staircase in a building or affording a means of exit from a building, a substantial hand-rail shall be provided and maintained which, if the staircase has an open side, shall be on that side, and in the case of a staircase having two open sides or of a staircase which, owing to the nature of its construction or the condition of the surface of the steps or other special circumstances, is specially liable to cause accidents, such a hand-rail shall be provided and maintained on both sides.
• Any open side a staircase shall also be guarded by the provision and maintenance of a lower rail or other effective means.
• All openings in floors and walls, including opening through or from which a person is liable to fall a distance of more than 2 metres shall be securely fenced, except in so far as the nature of the work renders such a fencing impracticable.
• All ladders shall be soundly constructed and properly maintained.


Article 6

• There shall, so far as is reasonably practicable, be provided in a safe condition, means of access to every place at which any person has at any time to work, and every such place shall, so far as is
reasonably practicable, be made and kept safe for any person working there.
• Where any person has to work at a place from which he will be liable to fall a distance more than 2 metres, then, unless the place is one which affords secure foot-hold, where necessary secure hand-hold , means shall be provided, so far as is reasonably practicable, by fencing or otherwise, for ensuring his safety.
• No machine with a travelling or swivelling carriage shall be so placed that a person would be liable to be trapped between that carriage and any fixed object or part of the building - unless access
to the trapping point is prevented by secure fencing.


Article 7

The Minister for Labour and Social Affairs may exempt from he requirements of this Order premises, or part of any premises, and any process, machinery or plant if he is satisfied that the requirements are unnecessary or inappropriate.


Article 8

Article 1 of the above mentioned Order No. 29/1976 made by the Minister for Labour and Social Affairs shall be revoked.


Article 9

This Order shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall be effective after 3 months from the date of its publication.



Minister for Labour and Social Affairs,
Isa Bin Mohamed Bin Abdulla Al Kahlifa
Dated: 6th November, 1977


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ORDER NO. 34/1977






The Minister for Labour and Social Affairs;in pursuance of paragraph one of Article 92 of the Labour Law for the Private Sector, promulgated by Amiri Decree Law No. 23/1976 and Order No. 29/1976 made by the Minister for Labour and Social Affairs with respect to organisation of industrial safety organs in establishments and determining and regulating the necessary services and precautions for the protection of workers during work and from machinery, and to Order No.
12/1977 made by the Minister for Labour and Social Affairs with respect to the determination and organisation of precautionary measures vital to the protection of workers engaged in construction, civil engineering and shipbuilding;




Article 1

The provisions of this Order shall apply to all premises subject to the provisions of the Labour Law for the Private Sector, 1976.



Article 2

According to this Order, the following expression shall have the meaning assigned to it: 'competent' shall mean the definition stipulated in Order No. 12/1977 made by the Minister for Labour and Social Affairs with respect to the determination and organization of precautionary measures vital to the protection of workers engaged in construction, civil engineering and shipbuilding.



Article 3

No plant, tank drum or vessel which has contained any explosive or flammable substance shall be subjected -

a. to any welding, brazing or soldering operation;
b. to any cutting operation which involves the application of heat;or
c. to any cutting operation involving the application of heat for the 
purpose of taking apart, demolishing or removing the plant, thank,drum or vessel or any part of it, until all practicable steps have been taken by steaming, boiling out or otherwise to remove the flammable substance and any fumes arising from it or to reder them non-explosive or non-flammable; and if any plant etc.
has been subjected to any such operation, no explosive or flammable substance shall be allowed to enter the plant etc. until the metal is cooled sufficiently to prevent any risk of ignition.


Article 4

Before a contractor undertakes any demolition of large tanks or a vessel whose capacity is 450 litres or more, e.g. oil storage tanks, authority for the work undertaken shall be obtained from the Directorate of Labour at the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.


Article 5

Where work has to be done inside any chamber, tank, vat, pipe, flue or other confined space in which either (a) dangerous fumes are likely to be present to such an extent as to involve risk to persons being overcome thereby or (b) the proportion of oxygen in the air is liable to have been
substantially reduced, the following precautions shall be taken:
1. The confined space shall be provided with a manhole, which may be rectangular, oval or circular in shape, and shall be not less than eighteen inches long and sixteen inches wide or (if circular) not less than eighteen inches in diameter, or in the case of tank wagons and other mobile plant, not less than sixteen inches long and fourteen inches wide or (if circular) not less than sixteen inches in diameter.
2. No person shall enter or remain in the confined space for any purpose unless he is wearing suitable breathing apparatus and has been authorised to enter by a responsible person, and, where
practicable, he is wearing a belt with a rope securely attached and a person keeping watch outside and capable of pulling him out is holding the free end of the rope.
3. Sub-paragraph two of this Article shall not apply in the cases where the confined space is safe for a specified period, safe for entry without breathing apparatus and the period so specified has not expired, but no person shall enter or remain the space unless he has been warned when that period will expire.
4. A confined space shall not be certified under subsection (3) of this Article unless:
a.effective steps have been taken to prevent any ingress of dangerous fumes; and
b.any sludge or other deposit liable to give off dangerous fumes has been removed and the space contains no other material liable to give off dangerous fumes; and
c.the space has been adequately ventilated and tested for dangerous fumes and has a supply of air adequate for reparation; 
but no account shall be taken for the purpose of paragraph (b) of
this subsection of any deposit or other material liable to give off dangerous fumes in insignificant quantities only.
5. There shall be provided and kept readily available a sufficient supply of breathing apparatus, of belts and ropes, and of suitable reviving apparatus and oxygen, and the apparatus, belts and ropes
shall be maintained and shall be thoroughly examined, at least once a month or at such other intervals as may be prescribed by a competent person; and a report on every such examination, signed by the person making the examination and containing the prescribed particulars, shall be kept available for inspection.
6. A sufficient number for persons employed shall be trained and practised in the use of the apparatus mentioned in subsection (5) of this Article and in the method of restoring respiration.



Article 6

The Minister for Labour and Social Affairs may by an Order grant exemption from compliance with any of the requirements of the foregoing provisions of this Order in any case where he is satisfied that compliance with these requirements is unnecessary or impracticable. This Order shall be published in the Official Gazette and it shall come into effect from the date of its publication.





Minister for Labour and Social Affairs,
Isa Bin Mohammed Bin Abdulla Al Khalifa
Dated: 26th December,


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The Bahrain Health and Safety Society held its seventh board meeting on Tuesday, November 17, 2020, via cyberspace, where it discussed several health and safety issues.