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- Written by Masooma
- Category: Health and Safety Work regulations
- Hits: 1273

The Minister for Health; in pursuanceof Article 94 of the Labour Law for the Private Sector,
1976 promulgated by Amiri Decree Law No. 23/1976 and in agreement with the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs;
Article 1
Each employer shall provide at the place of work a First Aid Box with quantities of medicine in the manner set out in the Schedule to this Order and in accordance with Article 4 hereof.
First Aid Boxes shall be as many as the number of places of work of the same employer.
Article 2
The prescribed contents and the quantities of the First Aid Box may be increased in certain cases and in accordance with the requirements of certain industries, by a Ministerial Order make by
the Minister for Health in agreement with the Minister for Labour and Social Affairs.
Article 3
First Aid Boxes shall be located in places removed from employment hazards and shall be easily accessible.The medicines shall be properly maintained in the boxes at as suitable a temperature as possible and in a manner facilitating their use andshall be as adjacent as possible to a source of water in the establishment.
Article 4
The contents of a First Aid Box shall accord with the following: in the manner provided for by items 3, 4, 5, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 of the Schedule to this Order with respect to establishments or their branches in each of which 10 or less workers are employed; In the manner provided for by items 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,13, 15, 21, 22A, 23, 25, of the Schedule to this Order with respect to establishments or branches thereof in each of which more than 10 and up to 50 workers are employed; in the manner provided for by all the items contained in the schedule to this Order with respect to establishments or branches thereof in each of which more than 50 workers are employed.
Article 5
The person responsible for the supervision of First Aid Treatment shall be qualified in the application of medicines, materials and equipment prescribed in the Schedule to this Order. Such person shall, at least, have successfully completed a course of training in Firs Aid, recognised as such by the Ministry of Health.
Article 6
This Order shall be come into operation from the date of its issue and it shall be published in the Official Gazette. Minister for Health, Ali Muhammed Fakhro.
No. Items Quantity
1. Bandages 2, 3, 4, 6, inches width 2 of each size
2. Crepe bandages 2, 3, 4 inches width 2 of each size
3. Sticking plaster 1 roll
4. Sterilized cotton balls 1 packet
5. Sterilized bandages 3 inches width 1 packet
6. Sterilized bandages 6 inches width 2 packets
7. Sterilized eye pads 1 packet
8. Sterilized disposable bandages, different sizes
1 packer of each size
9. Triangular slings 4
10. Anti-bleeding compressor 1
11. Scissors and forceps 1 of each
12. Safety pins 1 doz.
13. Paper, pen, torch ...
14. Ordinary bandage 2, 3, 4, 6, inches width 2 of each size
15. Pads ...
16. Acriflavin 100 cc
17. Savion 250 cc
18. Salt tablets 500
19. Panadol tablets 100
20. Aspirin tablets 100
21. Ointment for burns ...
22. Splintso Metal and wooden splints for limbs long and small o Suspend splints of use under the knee and elbow
23. Airway and tongue depressor
24. Portable aspirator, foot operated
25. Oxygen - portable oxygen respiration kit
26. Stretcher