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- Written by Masooma
- Category: Health and Safety Work regulations
- Hits: 1001

The Minister of Labour,
Having reviewed the Law on Constructional Organisation of Buildings promulgated by Legislative Decree No.(13) of 1977, as amended, And Legislative Decree No.(5) of 1990 with respect to Civil Defence, And Legislative Decree No.(21) of 1996 with respect to the Environment, as amended by Legislative Decree No.(8) of 1997, And Legislative Decree No.(25) of 2009 with respect to the Accession of the Kingdom of Bahrain to the International Labour Organisation’s Convention No.(155) of 1981 with respect to Occupational Safety and Health, and Work Environment,
And the Labour Law for the Private Sector promulgated by And Legislative Decree No.(36) of 2012, particularly Article (166) thereof, And Decree No.(7) of 1983 with respect to the Arabian Agreement No.(13) of 1981 with respect to the Work Environment, And Decree No.(2) of 1994 with respect to the Accession by the State of Bahrain to the Arabian Agreement No.(7) of 1977 and
Recommendation No.(1) of 1977 with respect to the Occupational Safety and Health, And having sought the opinion of the Concerned Authorities, And upon the submission of the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Labour,
Article 1
In the application of the provisions of this Order, the terms and expressions shall have the meanings assigned against each unless the context otherwise requires:
- HEAT: An increase in the temperature surrounding a worker to a limit that subjects him to health hazards and affects his health.
- COLD: A decrease in the temperature surrounding a worker to a limit that subjects him to health hazards and affects his safety.
- MOISTURE: Amount of steam surrounding a worker that subjects him to health hazards and affects his health with its increase and decrease.
- NOISE: Noise and sounds in a worker’s Perimeter that subjects him to health hazards and affects his safety.
- RADIATIONS: Energy in a form of eaves or particles from natural or industrial sources that may penetrate a worker’s body and subjects him to health hazards and affects his safety.
- VIBRATIONS: A vibration generated by machines within the worker’s perimeter subjects him to health hazards and affects his safety.
- ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE: Atmospheric pressure leys upon a worker’s body as a result of performing his duties in specific atmospheres or places, higher or lower, subjecting a worker to health hazards and affecting his safety.
- WORKERS ROTATION SYSTEM: A system where a worker is transferred from his profession to another or from one worksite to another between one period and another, and without violating the concluded employment contract or the law for the purpose of reducing the hazard he is subject
thereto and indicated in this Order.
Article 2
The provisions of this Order shall be applicable to all establishments subject to the Labour Law for the Private Sector No.(36) of 2012 in which workers may be subject to health hazards that may affect their safety due to Natural (Physical) hazard or damage.
Article 3
An employer shall protect his workers from heat, cold and radiation exposing hazards by adopting proper means that secure their protection and reducing their exposing thereto by adopting the following measures or others:
1. To isolate the heat, cold, radiation or production process radiation sources from other working places and production processes whenever practically possible.
2. To set up protective barriers designated to absorb or reduce heat, radiations and isolate their sources.
3. To provide adequate ventilation and suitable environmental improvement means.
4. To provide personal protection gear and suitable clothing to protect from the hazards of heat, cold or radiation.
5. To adopt workers rotation system.
6. To reduce working hours in which a worker is subject to hazards and increase rest periods.
7. To supply workers with suitable liquids and salt and encourage them to regularly have them in suitable quantities.
8. To create workers control slots in sealed places.
9. to increase the distance between the heat, cold and radiation sources, and the worker’s body whenever practically possible.
10.To isolate the places for having or storing food from the emitting heat, radiations and production process.
11.To carry out periodical maintenance of machines and equipment that emits heat and radiation.
Article 4
An employer shall take the necessary measures by providing suitable ear protecting gear and others for the workers to reduce the noise resulting from using such devices, machines and equipment in the worksite and taking into consideration the period permitted for subjecting to such noise in accordance with the table attached to this Order.
Article 5
An Employer shall protect his workers from being subject to the hazards of vibrations by adopting the proper methods to secure their protection and reduce being exposed thereto by adopting the following methods and others:
1. To supply good vibration and movement dampers to stop the vibration of the entire worker’s body.
2. Continuous maintenance of machines and tools to prevent the increase of their emitting vibrations.
3. To provide personal protective and vibration reduction clothing and equipment.
4. To organise the work in order to avoid subjecting a worker to vibration for over than (30%) in one single work shift.
5. To provide ideal temperature and moisture to carry out the work in which a worker is subject to vibrations.
6. To approve the workers rotation scheme.
Article 6
An employer shall protect his workers from the hazards of being subject to the increase and decrease of atmospheric pressure by adopting suitable means that warrant their protection and reduce their exposure thereto by following the following methods or others:
1. To provide personal protective clothing and gear to protect and reduce atmospheric pressure.
2. To provide suitable ear protection gear.
3. To provide suitable respirator machines.
4. To reduce working hours in which a worker is subject to increasing and decreasing atmospheric pressure together with increasing rest hours.
5. To train workers on methods to overcome the increase and decrease of atmospheric pressure.
Article 7
An employer shall protect his workers from the hazards of exposing to the increase and decrease in humidity by adopting the following suitable measures that secure their protection and reduce exposing thereto by adopting the following means or others:
1. To provide suitable ventilation and lighting inside the workplace.
2. To provide personal protective clothing and gear from the increase and decrease of humidity.
3. To provide suitable respirator machines.
4. To eliminate or reduce the high humidity sources like liquids.
Article 8
An employer shall protect his workers from the hazards of being exposed to intense lighting, winds and bad weather by adopting the proper means that secure their protection and reduce exposing thereto.
Article 9
An employer shall train his workers to use the protection gear, preserve, maintain and compel them to use them.
Article 10
All mechanical vehicles used to carrying out the work must be airconditioned whenever practically possible.
Article 11
An employer shall exclude workers with illnesses which natural hazards mayaffect their health provided an approved medical certificate from the Ministry of Health should be provided.
Article 12
Employers must modify their status in conformity of the provisions of this Order within the first three months from the enforcement date thereof.
Article 13
Any person who violates the provisions of this Order shall be liable for thepenalties indicated in Article (192) of the Labour Law for the Private Sector promulgated by Legislative Decree No.(36) of 2012.
Article 14
The Ministry’s Undersecretary shall implement this Order which shall come into effect from the day following the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.
Signed: Jameel bin Mohamed Ali Humaidan.
Minister of Labour.
Issued on: 10th Jumada Awwal, 1435 Hijra,
Corresponding to: 11th March, 2014 A.D.
Exposing Time/Hour Noise Level/ Decibel
8 85
6 87
4 90
3 92
2 95
1.5 97
1 100
0.5 105
1 minute 115