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- Written by Masooma
- Category: Health and Safety Work regulations
- Hits: 1189

The Minister of Labour,
Having reviewed the Law on the Organisation of Building promulgated by Legislative Decree No.(13) of 1977, as amended, And Legislative Decree No.(5) of 1990 governing the Civil Defence,
And Legislative Decree No.(21) of 1990 with respect to the Environment, as amended by Legislative Decree No.(8) of 1997, And Law No.(25) of 2009 with respect to the Accession of the Kingdom of Bahrain to the International Labour Organisation’s Convention No.(155) of 1981 with respect to Occupational Safety and Health, and Work Environment, And the Labour Law for the Private Sector promulgated by Legislative Decree No.(36) of 2012, particularly Article (166) thereof,
And Decree No.(7) of 1983 with respect to the Accession to the Arab Convention No.(13) of 1981 with respect to Work Environment, And Decree No.(2) of 1994 with respect to the Accession of the State of Bahrain to the Arab Convention No.(7) of 1977 and Recommendation No.(1) of 1977 with respect to the Occupational Safety and Health,And Order of the Minister of Labour No.(32) of 1977 with respect to Determiningand Precautionary Measures necessary for the Protection of Workers from the Hazards of Boilers, Steam Containers and Receivers, And Ministerial Order No.(6) of 1999 with respect to Amending Article (1) of Ministerial Order No.(16) of 1988 with respect to Approving certain Reports and Certificates on the Results of Occupational Safety Inspections and Examinations in Establishments,And having sought the opinion of the Concerned Authorities,
And upon the submission of the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Labour,
Article 1
In the application of the provisions of this Order, the terms and expressions shall have the meanings assigned against each unless the context otherwise requires:
ESTABLISHMENT: Every site or place in which is carried on any work whether industrial, occupational, agricultural, services or any other.
WORK PLACE: A place prepared by an employer for a worker to carry on his job therein and also within the following work places:
- Any part of an establishment where workers are present therein.
- Any room, lane, hall, chamber, staircase, road or any other place within the establishment and used by workers to enter and exit the work place.
STEAM BOILER: Any closed vessel in which for any purpose steam is generated under pressure greater than the atmospheric pressure and includes any economizer used to heat water being fed to such vessel and super heater used for heating steam.
SAFE WORKING PRESSURE: In the case of a new steam boiler, steam or air receiver means that specified by the maker, otherwise that specified in the last examination.
STEAM RECEIVER: means any vessel or apparatus (other than a steam boiler, steam, steam pipe or coil or a part of a prime mover) used for containing steam under pressure greater than atmospheric pressure.
STEAM CONTAINER: any vessel (other than a steam pipe or coil) constructed with a permanent outlet into the atmosphere or into a space where the pressure does not exceed atmospheric pressure and though which steam is passed at approximately atmospheric pressure for the purpose of heating, boiling, drying, evaporating or other similar purpose.
a) Any vessel (other than a pipe or coil or an accessory, fitting or part of a compressor) for containing compressed air and connected with an air compressing plant.
b) Any fixed vessel for containing compressed air or compressed exhaust gases and used for the purpose of starting an internal combustion engine.
c) And fixed or portable vessel (not being part of a spraying pistol) used for the spraying by means of compressed air of any paint, lacquer, varnish or similar material.
d) Any vessel in which oil is stored and from which it is forced by compressed air.
COMPETENT PERSON: a person who is properly trained and has sufficient experience for the work.
Article 2
The provisions of this Order shall be applicable to all establishments and work places that are subject to the provisions of the Labour Law for the Private Sector promulgated by Law No.(36) of 2012.
Article 3
An employer shall adopt the necessary precautionary measures towards the protection of workers employed by him, available in the establishment or work place from the hazards of boilers, steam containers and air receivers and provide them with precautions to prevent them from their hazards in addition to rescue measures as indicated in this Order. An employer shall not incur any expenses or deduct from their wages any amounts in return of providing such protection.
Article 4
An employer shall carry out evaluation process at the establishment’s work place for the hazards of boilers, steam containers and air receivers and shall adopt all necessary precautions and measures to limit their hazards to their lowest levels.
Article 5
A worker shall not be permitted to commit any act or negligence intended to prevent the implementation of instructions, misuse or inflict damages upon the means drawn to protect the health and safety of workers at the establishment or work place he is working.
An employer shall use the protective means, maintain whatever in his custody and implement the instructions drawn to maintain his safety and protection from the hazards of boilers, steam containers and air receivers, and shall not commit any act that may result in a fire outbreak.
Article 6
Every steam boiler, steam receive and every part thereof including all fittings, steam containers and air receivers shall be of sound construction, sound material, adequate strength and free from patent defect and shall be properly maintained.
Article 7
An employer shall provide and maintain sufficient and suitable means at all work places provided he shall observe the following:
1. All plant and equipment subject to this Order shall be when new provided with a certificate from the maker stating the safe working pressure and the test to which it has been subjected. Thereafter regular and thorough examinations shall be carried out as follows:
a) Steam boilers every twelve months.
b) Steam receivers and air receivers every twenty four months.
2. The examination referred thereto in the preceding paragraph shall be carried out by a competent authority approved by the Ministry of Labour by a qualified and authorised person. In every case where safe working pressure has to be reduced or the plant annot be safely used until repairs have been carried out, a copy of the inspection report shall be sent to the head of the Occupational Safety and Health within 24 days from the date of conducting such inspection.
Article 8
No plant to which this Order applies shall be used unless it is fitted with or has attached to it or marked on it, the following:
First: Steam Boilers
1. A suitable safety valve, separate from any stop-valve, which shall be so adjusted as to prevent the boiler being worked at a pressure greater than the safe working pressure and shall be fixed directly to, or as close as practical to, the boiler.
2. A suitable stop-valve connecting the boiler to the steam pipe.
3. A correct steam pressure gauge connected to the steam space and easily visible by the boiler attendant, which shall indicate the pressure of steam in the boiler in kilograms per square centimetre, and have marked on it in distinctive colour the maximum permissible working pressure.
4. At least one water gauge of transparent material or other type approved by the Director of Labour, Ministry of Labour to show the water level in the boiler, together, if the gauges is of the glass tubular type and the working pressure of the boiler normally exceeds three kilograms per square centimetre, with an efficient guard provided so as not to obstruct the reading of the gauge.
5. Where the boiler is one or two boilers, a plate bearing a distinctive number which shall be easily visible.
6. A means for attaching a test pressure gauge.
7. Unless externally fired, a suitable fusible plug or an efficient low water alarm device.
Second: Steam Receivers:
(Unless so constructed as to withstand safe working pressure of the boiler or the maximum pressure which can be obtained in the pipe connecting the receiver to any source of supply).
1. A suitable reducing valve or other suitable automatic appliance to prevent the safe working pressure being exceeded.
2. A suitable safety valve so adjusted as to permit the steam to escape as soon as the safe working pressure is exceeded, or a suitable appliance for cutting off automatically the supply of steam as soon as the safe working pressure is exceeded.
3. A correct steam pressure gauge, which must indicate the pressure of steam in the receiver in kilograms per square centimetre.
4. A suitable stop-valve.
5. Except where only one steam receiver is in use, a plate bearing a distinctive number which shall be easily visible.
Third: Air-Receivers
1. A suitable reducing valve to prevent the safe working load being exceeded (unless so constructed as to withstand the maximum pressure obtainable from the compressor).
2. A suitable safety valve so adjusted as to permit the escape of air as soon as the safe working pressure is exceeded.
3. A correct pressure gauge indicating the pressure in the receiving in kilograms per square centimetre.
4. A suitable appliance for draining.
5. A suitable manhole, a handhole or other means to allow the interior to be thoroughly cleaned.
6. Where more than one air-receiver is in use on premises, with a distinguishing mark which shall be easily visible.
7. The safe working pressure so marked as to be plainly visible.
Article 9
No person shall enter or be in any steam boiler which is one of a range of two or more steam
boilers unless:
a) All inlets through which steam, water or fuel might otherwise enter the boiler from any other part of the range are disconnected from the part.
b) All valves or taps controlling the entry of steam, water or fuel are closed and securely locked.
Where the boiler has a blow-off pipe in common with one or more other boilers or delivering into a common blow-off vessel or sum, such like shall be disconnected.
Article 10
The employer shall entrust a qualified person to inspect the pressure and steam boilers in the establishment and all other work places at least once every year provided he write down the inspection and subsequent maintenance date together with the inspector’s name. The abovementioned periodical inspection on the pressure and steam boilers shall be conducted by an entity approved by the concerned authority.
Article 11
All establishments and work places established at the enforcement date of this Order must adjust their statuses in confirmation with its provisions within three months from the date of enforcement
Article 21
Every person who violates the provisions of this Order shall be liable for the punishment provided for in Article (192) of the Labour Law for the Private Sector promulgated by Law No.(36) of 2012.
Article 22
Order of the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs No.(32) of 1977 with respect to Determining and Organisation of Services and Precautionary Measures necessary for the Protection of Workers from the Hazards of Boilers, Steam Containers and Receivers shall be revoked.
Article 14
The Ministry’s Undersecretary shall implement this Order which shall come into effect three
months after the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.
Signed: Jameel bin Mohamed Ali Humaidan.
Minister of Labour.
Issued on: 23rd Ramadan, 1435 Hijra,
Corresponding to: 2o
th July, 2014 A.D.