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Prime Ministerial Edict No. (2) of 2015
With Respect to the Occupational Safety and Health Council
The Prime Minister
Having examined the Labour Law for the Private Sector Promulgated by Law No. (36) of 2012, as amended by Law No. (31) of 2014 especially Article (175) thereof, Minister of Labour Order No. (29) of 2007 with respect to the Organisation and Powers of the Supreme Committee for Occupational safety and Health, Minister of Labour Order No. (11) of 2011 with respect to the Re-formation of the Supreme Committee for Occupational safety and Health, And upon the submission of the Minister of Labour Hereby Orders the Following:
Article (1)
There shall be established a council to be named the "Occupational Safety and Health Council" referred to in this Edict as "Council". The Council shall be responsible for formulating and following up the implementation of the general policy in the field of occupational safety and health, and securing the work environment.
Article (2)
The Council shall be formed under the presidency of Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, with the membership of the following:
1. Dr. Mohammed Ali Al Ansari Assistant Undersecretary for Labour Affairs- Ministry of Labour
Deputy Chairman
2. Mohammed Sajid Izhar Al Haq Deputy Treasurer of the Board of Directors of Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry Member
3. Adel Hassan Al Aali Member of the Board of Directors of Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry Member
4. Dr. Abdul Basit Mohammed Abdul Mohsin Legal Advisor, Ministry of Labour Member
5. Hussain Ali Al Shami Head of Occupational Safety Section, Ministry of Labour Member
6. Hassan Yousuf Ali Safety Advisor, Civil Service Bureau Member
7. Colonel Ali Mohammed Saad Al Hooty Director of Protection and Safety, Ministry of Interior Member
8. Mirza Salman Khalaf Director of Environmental Control, Supreme Council for the Environment
9. Ahmed Khalil Ebrahim Manager, Department of Fire, Health and Safety, Bahrain Petroleum Company (Bapco) Member
10. Dr.Maha Saleh Shehab Occupational Health Specialist, Ministry of Health Member
11. Eng. Yasser Abdul Rahim Manager, Plant Operations, Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company
12. Mohammed Mahdi Abdulla Assistant Secretary General for Occupational Health and
Safety and Work Environment, General Federation of Bahrain Trade Unions Member
13. Alawi Shubber Isa Deputy Chairman of Board of Directors, Bahrain Health and Safety Society
14. Mohammed Rasool Bakhsh Deputy Chairman for Occupational Health and Safety, Bahrain Free Labour Unions Federation Member
15. Dr. Mohammed Abdul Razzaq Al Seddiqi Acting Director of Technical and Vocational Education,
Ministry of Education Member
16. Mahmood Ahmed Abdul Rahim Director, Human Resources, Ministry of Works Member
The Deputy Chairman Shall take the place of the Chairman in performing all his duties in case of his absence or if he cannot perform his duties for any reason.
Article (3)
The term of membership of the Council shall be three years renewable for similar periods. If any position becomes vacant for any reason, a representative of the same organisation shall replace him in the same capacity and shall complete the term of his predecessor.
Article (4)
The Council shall be responsible for formulating and following up the implementation of the general policy on occupational safety and health and securing the work environment by performing the following duties and functions:
1. Proposing a national policy and system for occupational safety and health and securing the work environment.
2. Proposing and review of the development of national legislations and standards related to the protection and safeguarding of the safety and health of workers and the work environment in light of practical changes scientific advances, developments related to economic and social development programmes and related ratified Arab and international agreements that are related to occupational safety and health and work environment.
3. To give its opinion on proposed legislations that are related to occupational safety and health and work environment.
4. Conducting studies and research related to occupational safety and health and work environment.
5. Studying Arab and international agreements and recommendations related to occupational safety and health and work environment.
6. Seeking to benefit from the exchanging of experiences with firms, societies, committees and organisations working in the field of occupational safety and health and work environment.
7. Developing and proposing plans related to training and grooming staff cadres specialized in the field of occupational safety and health and work environment in line with practical and scientific needs, as well as determining the qualifications required for occupational health and safety professions.
8. Promoting preventive awareness in the field of occupational safety and health and work environment, through TV, radio and press media and the organizing of specialised exhibitions, conferences and seminars in coordination with governmental bodies, major companies and civil society organisations.
9. Consulting, coordinating and cooperating with other concerned bodies in proposing laws, regulations and measures related to occupational safety and health and work environment.
10. Coordinating directly with the occupational safety and health inspection functionat the Ministry of Labour in the area of the implementation of occupational safety and health laws and ministerial orders.
11. Providing consultation services in the area of occupational safety and health to the occupational safety and health inspection function at the Ministry of Labour.
Article (5)
1. The Council shall meet at least once in every three months at the invitation of the Chairman or his deputy. The Chairman may call for an extraordinary meeting whenever there is a need for it, or within fifteen days from him receiving a written request supported with reasons for such a meeting signed by one third of the members. The meeting invitation notice shall include the purpose of the meeting and the agenda shall be attached thereto.
2. A Council meeting shall be valid in the presence of the majority of its members, provided that the Chairman or his deputy is among them. The decisions and recommendations of the Council shall be issued by the majority of votes present at the meeting, and in case of a tie the Chairman or his deputy shall have a casting vote. The meetings and decisions of the Council shall be recorded in minutes to be signed by the person presiding over the meeting and all the members who were present at such meeting.
3. The Chairman of the Council shall at the first meeting of the Council appoint a rapporteur to the Council from amongst its members or from outside it, who shall be responsible for preparing the agendas of the Council meetings, sending notices of invitation therefor to the members, preparing minutes of meetings in a register prepared for such purpose, maintaining the records and documents and other duties that the nature of the Council's work may require or that fall within its functions.
4. The Council may invite any person of a specialisation or expertise to attend its meetings if it feels that it needs his assistance, for discussion and to hear his opinion, but such a person shall not have the right to a countable vote with respect to the decisions and recommendations that the Council may make.
Article (6)
The membership of a Council member shall terminate for any of the following reasons:
1. Death
2. The issue of a decision to relieve the member from his post.
3. If his service ended on who belongs to any reason
4 If he tenders his resignation in writing.
5. Failing to attend more than three consecutive Council meetings without submitting an acceptable excuse.
Article (7)
The Council shall put in place a mechanism for performing its duties and the Chairman of the Council shall issue an order to this effect.
Article (8)
The Council may, by a decision issued by it, set up occupational safety and health subcommittees in related economic and industrial sectors as it may determine, provided that every committee shall include in its membership two representatives from the concerned parties. The Council shall determine the functions of such committee and the rules governing their work.
Article (9)
The Council shall submit its recommendations to the Council of Ministers for taking whatever decisions it may deem appropriate in the respect thereof. The Council shall prepare an annual report about all of its work and what has been done in respect thereof. The report shall be presented to the Council of Ministers.
Article (10)
All ministries, organisations, authorities and bodies shall cooperate with the Council and give it all the data, information and studies necessary for conducting its work.
Article (11)
Minister of Labour Order No. (29) of 2007 with respect to the Organisation and Powers of the Supreme Committee for Occupational Safety and Health shall be revoked, as well as the Minister of Labour Order No. (11) of 2011 with respect to the Re-formation of the Supreme Committee for Occupational safety and Health. Any other provision that contradicts the provisions of this Edict shall also be revoked.
Article (12)
The ministers, each in his respective capacity, shall implement this Edict which shall come into effect on the day following the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.
Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa,
Prime Minister.
Issued on: 16thRabia Al Awal 1436 Hijra,
Corresponding to: 7
thJanuary 2014 AD.