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- Written by Masooma
- Category: Public Health rules and Regulations
- Hits: 1185

Ministerial Order No.(40) of 2014
With Respect to the Requirements and Specifications
of Workers Accommodation
The Minister of Labour
Having examined Law No. (3) of 1975 with Respect to Public Health, as amended And Legislative Decree No. (13) of 1977 with Respect to Constructional Organisation of Buildings, as amended
And Labour Law for the Private Sector promulgated by Law No. (36) of 2012, as amended by Law No. (31) of 2014, particularly Article (11) thereof, And Ministerial Order No. (8) of 1978 with respect to Stipulating the Health Requirements and Specifications of Workers Accommodation, as
amended by Order No. (9) of 2006, And after consulting with the concerned ministries and bodies,
And Upon the submission of the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Labour, Hereby Orders as follows
Article (1)
An employer who provides living accommodation to his workers in remote areas and an employer who, at his own option, provides living accommodation to his workers in areas other than remote areas shall comply with the requirements and specifications stipulated in this Order. Both employers shall hereinafter be referred to as "Employer".
Article (2)
The Employer shall notify the Ministry of Labour of the location of the accommodation quarters that he provides to his workers and its address, area, number of workers to be accommodated and their gender, by way of the form prepared for this purpose within a period not exceeding fifteen days from the date of providing such living accommodation, and the Ministry shall inform the concerned bodies to take their necessary measures.
Article (3)
The Employer shall provide rooms in each accommodation quarters that meet the following requirements and specifications:
1. The area allocated for each worker shall not be less than four square meters of clear space.
2. They shall be well ventilated and lit.
3. Their windows shall be covered by wire mesh to prevent insects from getting inside and the windows should not allow dust to get inside.
4. They should not be constructed on entrances, corridors or roofs of buildings.
5. They should be provided with sufficient sleep necessities, blankets and suitable cupboards for keeping clothes.
6. They should not accommodate more workers than their capacity, taking into account the area of the room and the area allocated to each worker.
Article (4)
Employer shall provide the following equipment in each one of the accommodation quarters:
1. Adequate and sufficient air conditioning.
2. Water cooler and a safe source of drinkable water.
3. A sufficient and adequate number of garbage bins.
4. Adequate fire-fighting means, and should obtain a certificate to this effect from the Civil Defence Department.
5. Adequate means to dispose of domestic refuse and sewage waste.
6. A first aid box sufficient for the number of workers to whom the accommodation is allocated.
7. A suitable place for laundry.
Article (5)
Employer shall attach to each accommodation quarters a kitchen which shall be suitable for the size of the accommodation quarters and the number of workers, and shall meet the following requirements and specifications:
1. It shall have a safe source of drinkable water.
2. It shall have a washbasin.
3. A suitable place for storing and preserving food.
4. The floor shall be made of a non-slippery impervious material, and it should slope towards a drain. The walls shall be covered with a smooth-finish material that can be cleaned easily.
5. The ventilation and lighting shall be adequate.
6. It shall have a fridge to store food, with sufficient capacity for the number of workers to which the accommodation quarters are allocated.
7. It shall have gas or electric stoves sufficient to cater for the number of workers.
Article (6)
Employers shall provide a bathroom for each accommodation quarters in compliance with the following requirements and specifications:
1. Its walls shall be covered with a smooth-finish material that can be cleaned easily and the floor shall be constructed of an impervious material, and shall slope towards a drain.
2. It shall have a suitable water heater which is to be fixed on the outside.
3. It shall be well ventilated and lit.
4. It shall not open directly on to a kitchen or dining room.
5. It shall contain the following:
a. At least one toilet for every three workers, fitted with a flushing tank.
b. A place for taking shower and changing dress for every eight workers.
c. At least one washbasin for every eight workers.
Article (7)
Employer shall provide a dining room, whether separate or a common one which is large enough to accommodate the number of workers residing in the accommodation quarters.
Article (8)
Employer shall carry out regular maintenance work on the accommodation headquarters and do all urgent and necessary repairs so as to be in a sound condition that meets the requirements and specification prescribed in this Order, including all electrical connections, wires and boxes that should comply with ecurity and safety requirements.
Article (9)
Any Employer who provided accommodation for his workers before the provisions of this Order come into force shall adjust his situation in accordance with the provisions of this Order within a period not exceeding three months from the date of its coming into effect.
Article (10)
Ministerial Order No. (8) of 1978 with respect to Prescribing the Health Requirements and Specifications of Workers Accommodation, as amended by Order No. (9) of 2006 shall be revoked.
Article (11)
The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Labour shall implement this Order which shall come into effect on the day following the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.
Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan
Minister of Labour
Issued on: 1
stRabia Al Awal 1436 Hijra
Corresponding to: 23rdDecember 2014 AD